
PPAT Disseminated Knowledge on Unplanned Pregnancy in Education Institute


PPAT conducted a knowledge dissemination activity on SRHR, Family Planning and Unplanned Pregnancy Prevention in Education Institute under the project “SRHR Accessibility Promotion” at Min Buri Polytechnic Technology College. The instructor of the activity was Mr. Panatphong Noradee, Manager of Information Education and Motivation Department of PPAT.


News & Activity

Accounting Software Training was conducted on 23 November 2021, chaired by Mr. Somjet Srikanok, Executive Director, to PPAT staff from 10 clinics in order to increase working capability of Finance, Account, Procurement and Planning and Evaluation system. The training was conducted through video conference at the 5th floor meeting room of PPAT….
เมื่อวันที่ 20 กันยายนที่ผ่านมา คลินิก เวชกรรม สวท ขอนแก่น ลงพื้นที่จัดกิจกรรมให้ความรู้ในการป้องกันปัญหาการท้องก่อนวัย
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