
JTF-PPAT-IPPF Inception Meeting


Bangkok, August 2, 2024 – The Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand (PPAT) Under the Patronage of H.R.H the Princess Mother, in collaboration with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the Japan Trust Fund (JTF), co-organized the inception meeting for the project “Responding to the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Displaced Persons from Myanmar.” This initiative will be implemented in Tak Province, covering three districts: Tha Song Yang, Mae Ramat, and Mae Sot, to promote knowledge and provide sexual and reproductive health services to people fleeing conflict in Myanmar. These displaced persons have settled along the Thai-Myanmar border and outside temporary shelters.

Asst. Prof. Dr.Sukanya Sripho, Secretary-General of the Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand, stated that due to the ongoing violent conflict in Myanmar since 2021, a significant number of displaced persons have fled to neighboring countries. The UNHCR estimates that at least 100,000 Myanmar displaced persons have sought refuge in Thailand. Recognizing the major barriers and limitations in accessing information and services on sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly for women and girls who are at risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancies, the PPAT has initiated the project “Responding to the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Displaced Persons from Myanmar.” This project, funded by the Japan Trust Fund (JTF), will be implemented over 18 months, from May 2024 to November 2025.

The main objective is to promote sexual and reproductive health information and services to the population fleeing conflict in Myanmar. The project aims to reach 6,000 people living along the Thai-Myanmar border, both in and outside temporary shelters, providing sexual and reproductive health services to 2,000 displaced individuals, in collaboration with other network partners.

Dr.Sukanya  emphasized, “On behalf of the Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand, we extend our deepest gratitude to our invaluable network partners, both national and international. This includes the Embassy of Japan, the Ministry of Interior, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), IPPF, UNHCR, UNFPA, IRC, and all our network partner organizations. Our unwavering collaboration in supporting human rights without discrimination is the cornerstone of our shared mission. Together, we are making a profound impact on the lives of those in need.”


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