
Migrant Workers Promotion in Samutsakorn Province


On 27 April 2023, Dr. Nanthakan Sungsuman Woodham, Executive Director, led the taskforce to implement the project Pilot End-to-End Referral System to Increase Female Migrant Workers’ Access to Comprehensive Abortion Care with Mr. Santi Laownipon, Samutsakorn Provincial Public Health Medical Doctor and board members from Samutsakorn Labour and Welfare Office, Samutsakorn Social Development and Human Security Office, Vichaivej Samutsakorn Hospital, Samutsakorn Hospital and one representative from each Mahachai Hospitals to present project implementation and results evaluation as well as discuss referral system to refer female migrant workers to receive SRHR services.

The project Pilot End-to-End Referral System to Increase Female Migrant Workers’ Access to Comprehensive Abortion Care is funded by Grand Challenges Canada (GCC).


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